Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day 2008

Today--April 22, 2008--we celebrate Earth Day around the world.

For the first time, the UAE is doing something to celebrate Earth Day.

Here's an exercise for my English 174 students to add to their blogs in class today:

Search the Internet to find out when Earth Day first began. Write a paragraph to
explain the importance of this holiday. If you like, include what is happening today in the UAE to honor this special occasion.

When you finish your post, please leave a comment for me below. Tell me your opinion about this assignment.

Happy Earth Day!

1 comment:

Saad Alomaira said...

In my opinion, i think earth day is a very nice oppurtunity for people to gather from all over the world and enjoy the peace and harmony of earth day. Also, its a very good way to raise awareness about the things we do that hurt our planet.