Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Global Warming and the UAE

Today's newspaper has the latest report. The Arabian lepoard and a species of frog join the list of native animals that are being wiped out of the UAE by climate change.

So sad....


Anonymous said...

Hi Molly,

You left a comment on my blog recently so I thought I would drop by and say hello.

It sounds like an interesting class project that will hopefully not only help the students with their english but also raise awareness of climate change issues.

The reason I wroote my post was that it seems to me that in some areas of the world it seems like the effects of Climate change are very distant and happen too people in other countries.

We all need to remind ourselves about how interconnected everything is. It is also sad that we seem to be presiding over another mass extinction event - and it may be that we have actually caused this one.

Molly Kirk said...

Hi Rabbie/Bunc,

Your blog is very interesting as well. I agree with you that many issues, including climate change, can seem irrelevant. However, everything under the sun really is interconnected. I'm grateful to you for helping us who live in this part of the world to be aware of the whole globe.