Monday, April 23, 2007

Cars, Cars, Cars

Solving the traffic problem would help global warming! There are just too many huge SUVs like mine.

Should I buy a Sedgeway scooter?

I'm a little hot under the collar because there was no place to park today. It got me thinking. Two of the teachers bicycle to the college, but that's not an option for me. I live too far away, it is too hot, and the traffic fumes are horrendous.

Maybe I could get a motorcycle or a scooter...but I would have to change out of my bike leathers into my nice dressy work clothes. If I got a Sedgeway scooter like these in Amsterdam, I couldn't carry any passengers.

What about electric cars? They don't make smoke or noise. Wish we had some here.

Maybe a hybrid car--a cross between petrol and electric--is the answer.

Some of the students at the college researched hybrid cars. Read about them here:

Enough for now! I'm off to class--just walking across campus!

(Oh, I did see one of those cute little Sedgeway two-wheeled scooters on the Corniche last weekend. Maybe that is the way to go!)

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